Tara Herber | |
James Herrewig | Machinist's Mate 2nd Class E.H. Herrewig |
Jay C Hess | |
Jerry Hester | |
Jill M Hester | RAYMOND L. ELDRIDGE, PVT CO A 313 M G BN |
Ken Hester | |
Richard Hickey | All who served |
Dan Hickox | |
David Higgins | |
June Higgins | Orin Edward Marvel |
Regent Bonnie Higgins | |
Sheila Higgins | |
Richard Hildebrand | |
Lucien Paul Hilderbrand | |
John Hilgenhold | Pvt John Simon Hilgenhold |
Beth Hill | |
Laura Hill | |
Ms. Katherine Hill | VFW/American Legion |
Steve Hill | |
Thomas Hill | |
Jack W Hill Jr | |
Apuleius Hillier | Uncle Paul Kurowski |
Deborah Hinckley | Ernest R Porter, US Army Cook, WWI |
Roger Hineman | |
Mr. David Hines | Cpl. Lawrence C. Fehlinger, US Army, KIA, WWI |
Ann Hirsch | |
Arthur R Hiscox | |
Robin Hitner | Fred Hitner - who gave his life in WW1 |
Vonna Hlavka | |
James Hockenberry | |
Millissa Hodgdon | Leslie Ketcham |
Jim Hodgson | Texas WWI Centennial Commemoration Association |
Don Hodo | |
Kevin Hoeper | World War I's Hoosier and Tar Heel soldiers |
Jeffrey Hoffeld | Albert Herter, my grandfather, who served in World War I |
Christopher Hoffman | |
Evan Hoffman | Doug Hoffman |
Judith Hoffman | |
Kenneth Hoffman | WWI Veterans |
Wendy Hoffman | Douglas Ward |
Patrick Hogan | US Marine, John J. Callahan, Killed in Action, Belleau Woods, France, June 11, 1918 |
Thomas Hogan | |
Diane Hohnbaum | Charles Benard Hohnbaum |
Patti Smith Holda | Cpl. Hubert Dalton Smith, 6th Engineers, 3rd Division, Co. D, Alabama |
Mary Hartwell Holdeman | Hartwell Davis, Jr. |
Mr. Philip Holland | Loyd David Holland, Musician, U.S. Navy (1 Jun 1918 - 28 Feb 1919) Great Lakes Band Battalion, U.S. Naval Training School, Great Lakes, Illinois |
Terri Hollander | Donald Franklin Holden |
Layne A. Holley | |
CDR Roger Hollister | |
Joan Holloway | |
John Holman | Sgt. Charles Timmons 118th Inf 30th Division MIAnGreenwood County South Carolina WWI Veterans |
Benjamin Holmes | PVT Amos Witt, U.S. Army, Deceased 1918/11/04 |
Cheryl Holton | |
Michael Holubar | Leslie W. Hartley, 91st Wild West Division |
Honolulu Council, Navy League of the U.S. | |
Gary Hoog | |
Judy Hoover | |
Edward C Horton | PVT William R. Clark |
Kathleen Horzempa | Cpl. William J. McCrane |
Stephen Hough | 1st Sgt. John Fisk Hough,Sgt. Warren Carberg,Lt J.A .GlovernJohn Fisk Hough |
Andrew House | |
John House | Private Jesse Cummings |
Howard A. Van Wagner Post 962 of the American Legion | Howard A. Wagner, Percy Long, Theodore Hosteter |
Cynthia Howell | All US veterans |
Matt Howell | |
William C Howell | |
John Hoyle Sr. | WWI Veterans |
Michael Hubbard | |
Van Hubbard | Wanda 'Lynne' Dayton, wife of Dan Dayton, upon her passing |
Dameon Huber | |
Brandon Huck | The Huck Family |
Kevin Hudie | Corporal Willard D. Hudie, 27th Infantry Division |
Jessica Hudson | Alastair Thomas Hudson |
Patricia Hudson | Arlie Mitchell |
Dwayne Huell | |
Elizabeth Hughes | Francis Regis McGoey |
Frank Hughes | |
Halsey Hughes | |
Jennifer Hughes | Halsey T. Hughes |
Paul D. Hughes | |
Richard Hughes | All Americans |
Steven Hughes | |
Timothy Hughes | Sgt. Andrew Bryan Hughes |
Charlotte Hume | All who paid the ultimate price and all those who served then and now |
Kathleen Hume | Samuel Elliott Hume |
John Humphries | |
Brenda Hunt | Bonnie "Pete" Phillips McCracken, Monrovia, Morgan County, IN, 150th Field Artillery, Medical Corp., 42nd Rainbow Div., Part of the "Martinsville Boys"nPaul Loren Hunt, Johnson County, IN, Service Record Unkown- burnednDonal McCracken Rushton, Monrovia, Morgan County, IN, 53rd Artillery Battery of American Expeditionary Force |
Charles Hunt | Frank Barry |
Anthony Hunter | |
Valerie Hunter | William Amel Stapleton, Hutch KY. Received the Distinguished Service Cross |
Mr. James Huntley | Grandfather - James G Huntley Great Uncle - Cornelius "Pat" Huntley |
Kathleen Hurley | Wilfred M. Hurley |
Patrick Huston | CPL William Edward Huston USAn4.7 million Americans |
Linda Hutchcroft | |
Susan Hutson | My uncle's Preston Allen and Claude Allen who served in the Great War from Missouri |
Richard Huval | |
Harrison Hyde | |
Hyde Park VFW Auxiliary Post 7779 | |
IAS | |
Carolyn Iglesias | All Soldiers Who Fought in WWI |
Terri Illes | |
Illinois Tool Works | |
Moriah Illsley | |
Independence Hall Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution | |
Indiana DAR, Inc. | |
Jeannine Ingenito | Tom Hendricks |
Alexander Insua | The United States of America. |
Salvatore Intravia | |
Edwin Irving | Emile Macret IrvingnAll who served and freedom |
Jim Irwin | Frank & William Near |
Joshua Israel | |
Larry Issak | |
Michael T Itamura | Shinichi Takenouchi 63rd Rgmt Co D |
Craig S. Ito | |
Jaacob Bowden & Jennifer Giroux | |
Jenniffer Jack | |
Robert Jack | |
Chris Jackson | |
Ellen Jackson | |
Petter Jacobsen | Eleanor Murphy Rowe Jacobsen |
Margaret Jacobson | |
Christopher Jahnke | |
Harry James | Herbert James |
Shirley James | Gerald R. Skinner and Faye Marcellus |
Theresa James | Joseph Flaspohler |
Elaine Jancourtz | |
William Jannace | SFC Anthony E. Jannace, U.S. ARMY, 2ID 2 ENGR BN, PURPLE HEART, WWII |
Bernice Janssen | George Henry Van Pelt |
James Janz | William A. Sawaska, PFC, US Army |
Paul Janzen | Paul G. Evans |
Benjamin Jarratt | Private Cary F. Jarratt, 318th Infantry, 80th Division, AEF, 1888-1918 |
Clark Jarratt | Lt. Paul H, Jarrett --42nd "Rainbow" Division WWI |
Joyce Jaske | |
Jay M Cohen, LLC | |
M. Christean Jenkins | We wish to honor the heroism and sacrifice of the 4.7 million American sons and daughters who served during the conflict. |
Arthur Jensen | MAJ STEVEN C. MCGEORGE |
Jeffrey Jewell | |
Courtland Jindra | |
Christine Jocelyn | |
John H Collins Post 24, American Legion | |
Alan Johnson | Henry A Johnson |
Catherine Johnson | Arthur Simonse (Grandfather) |
Christopher Johnson | PFC Carl D. Johnson, US Army, WWI Veteran |
Commander Walter Johnson | Charles Hollopeter - KIA - 1918 & Willmar Albert Bathke - KIA - 1918 |
David Johnson | Sgt. Alvin C. York |
Elaine Johnson | |
Erik Johnson | 102d Infantry Regt., 26th "Yankee" DIV., Connecticut Army National Guard |
Guy Johnson | |
Jacob Johnson | Our U. S. Servicemen and women and their British and French Allies. |
Jamaris Johnson | |
James Johnson | |
Joseph Johnson | Edwin P. Johnson |
Kathryn Johnson | Leighton Clark |
Kenneth Johnson | PFC Louis K. Johnson, 80th Div, 314th Machine Gun BattalionnPvt Louis K Johnson 314 Machine Gun Btln WWI |
Latoya Johnson | World War Heroes |
Lee Johnson | |
Margot Johnson | All who lost their lives |
Patricia Johnson | |
Perry Johnson | |
RADM Michael Johnson | |
Robert Johnson | Pvt. Austin W. Johnson, US Army Balloon Service, 12th Balloon Co.nAustin Walter Johnson |
Richard Johnston | |
Alicia Johnstone | |
Carolee D Johnstone | Charles Zartman Yost |
Geoffrey W Jolley | |
Bambi Jones | |
Brian & Faye Jones | |
Candace Jones | |
David Jones | |
Gary Jones | Harold LeRoy Jones |
Jack & Sheryll Jones | |
Kathy Jones | |
Mrs Carolyn Jones | Carolyn J. Jones |
Mrs. Missy Jones | My Uncle, John Henry Lofton CoxnMy Husband's uncle, Bartow Douglas Jones |
Shelley Jones | SGT Wayne M. Jones US Army WW1 |
Walter Jones | |
William Jones | For all that have served |
Kathleen Jordan | Bertie C. Wellman |
Mort Jordan | Capt. Mortimer Jordan, 167th Infantry |
Barbara Jordan Jagla | My great-aunt Helen Jordan Lamb. WWI surgeon's assistant with the Harvard Unit near Ypres and Amiens |
Justin Juarez | |
Justin Juarez | |
Sarah Judah | |
Charles Junek III | Charles H. Junek Sr. |
Merrilee Jung | George Washington Dick |
Art Junker | The Junker Family |
Anthony Justi | Jeremiah Twomey, US Army, WWI |
Guy R Kachel | |
Mr. Daniel Kachinski | Edward Walter Cegelka (1896-1972), Pvt. Co. L, 145th Inf. Regt., 37th ("Ohio") Division, 1918-19, W.W. I. Combat-Wounded Veteran, Pensioned. My Step-Great Grandfather. |
Scott Kaesemeyer | |
Evan Kaiser | |
Terrence Kaliner | |
Michelle Kamhi | |
Edward Kaminski | Stanley J. Kaminski |
Margaret Kane | MAJ Charles D Kayser, MD, Medical Corps |
Sharon Karahan | William A. Rowe |
Judy Karkhoff | |
Susan Karlesses | The Karlesses Family |
Troy Karrick | |
Charles Kashak | James Kashak |
Bryan Kasmenn | PFC Grant S. Norton, Co. B/308th Inf./77th Div. |
Kate Waller Barrett Chapter, NSDAR | |
David Kaufman | PFC Loyal E. Kauffman, Company H 8th Infantry, ONG (Co. H 1046 Infantry) |
Alan Kazdoy | |
Capt. (Ret.) Byron W. Keagle | Corporal Leon Earl Keagle, US Army, Company A, 14th Ammunition Train, 14th Division, Camp Custer, Michigan, 15 Sep 1918 - 7 Feb 1919; Wagoner Clyde Wellington Keagle, 505456 US Army, Battery B, 11th Field Artillery, 6th Artillery Brigade, 6th Division, AEF, 24 Apr 1918 - 18 Jun 1919; Wagoner Byron Louis Keagle, 505452 US Army, Battery B, 11th Field Artillery, 6th Artillery Brigade, 6th Division, AEF, 24 Apr 1918 - 18 Jun 1919; Brigadier General Matthew Henry Kingman, US Marine Corps, 6th Maching Gun Battalion, 6th Marines, 4th Marine Brigade, 2nd Division, AEF, WW1 Service: Captain, Company Commander, 15th Company - 15 Jan 1918 - 23 Oct 1918, Major, Battalion Commander - 24 Oct 1918 - 13 Aug 1919.nThe four World War I Veterans that are very important to menCorporal John Walter Bengston |
Lucy Keegan | |
Michael Keeley | |
George Kees | |
Barbara Kell | Elmer Emerson Barber |
Mr. Dan Keller | |
Mr. Steven Kemble | |
Robert Kendrick | |
Lawrence Kenney | |
Christine Kenworthy | |
Benjamin Kerekes | |
Harold Kerr | Henry Kerr and Isaac Longmore |
Catherine M Kesseler | |
Natalai Keys | World War 1 |
Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society N.S.C.A.R. | |
Philip & Claudia Kieffer | |
David Kielich | Maximilian Kielich |
John Kiger | My grandfather Albert Burton Moore, who fought in World War I |
Kerry Kimble | Pvt Earl Wickham, USMC 2nd Bn, 6th Marine Regiment |
Kalila King | Charles Ogden Schobel |
Kendall King | Corporal Frank Harris 5th Division |
Scott King | grateful americaan |
Steven King | |
Thomas F King | Joe Martin King |
Valerie King | John Franklin Hummel |
Janice Kipnis | Joseph Levine |
Billy Kirby | |
Priscilla Kirchgessner | Timothy Aaron Miller, Vietnam |
Ken Kirchoff | Walter Kirchoff |
Melinda Kirk | |
Kathleen Kirkham | Our Doughboys and authors who write in their memory |
Chris Kissinger | Sergeant Arthur J Kroepfl |
Gregg Kitson | William Treavy Kitson |
Marvin Klang | Joseph E. Bach, (MN) Private US Army,125th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Division, buried Meuse.Argonne American Cemetery France |
Dorothy Klein | |
Micah Klein | |
Michael Klingher | Samuel Jacob Horowitz |
Thomas Klotz | Wilbur Eugene Klotz |
William Klotz | Sgt. Vincent Klotz |
Pamela Knackert | |
Geraldine Knatz | Frederick Knatz |
Dennis Knight | Clifford Knight |
Robert Knight | Edward S. Knight KIA 9/27/18 |
Knights of Columbus Council 1421 | The members of Knights of Columbus Council 1421 who were veterans of World War I |
Linann K Knodel Duren | |
John Knox | |
Christie Knudsen | |
Kent Knudson | |
Jeffrey Koblish | Paul Anthony Olson |
Bill Kobrern | |
Ms. Kathleen Kobus | |
Matthew Koch | Bernard Joseph CAFFERTY, PFC USA |
Carole Koches | |
COL Abbott Koehler | George A. Voss, USN WWI (My Grandfather) |
Lisa Koenig | |
Mary Jane Koenig | Russell Archie Harvey, 90th Div., 357th Inf. Regt., Co. K |
Mr. Ken Koenitzer | |
Craig Kokkeler | All the World War I Soldiers and their familes |
Gary Kolasa | |
Lola Koniuszy | Sgt. Charles E. Dilkes, 1st Division Engineer AEF |
Richard Koos | Cpl Emmerich Koos |
Keith Kopinski | Anthony C. Kopinski, New York, CO D, 3329, MG BN, 85th Division, WWI |
Rina Kopp | |
Peter Korzen | |
Erin Kostun | |
Thomas Kouyeas | |
Francis Kownacki | Alex Kownacki |
Elizabeth Koze | |
Robert Kozubal | |
John Kracha | |
Stephen Kramper | Bernard H Kramper |
George Kranz | |
James Krawczyk | Stanley Krawczyk |
Frank Kresen | Corporal Frank Augustus Kresen, Battery F, 120th Field Artillery, Wisconsin (WWI 1917-1918) |
Jackie Krieger | |
Dylan Kroah | Clyde Arnold Neiss & Carl Ernest Brust Sr. |
Mr. Robert Krohn | Harold Jordan |
Clare Kronemeyer | JOHN Henry Kronemeyer |
Margaret Krueger | For James Allan Krueger's birthday - In Memory of his Great-Grandpa Allan Joseph Gorman, Army WW1 |
Shari Krueger | |
Elizabeth Kryder-Reid | |
LTCLR Martin & Constance Kuhar | |
Michael Kvicala | The Kvicala Family |
Frank Kyser | Private Percy Mason Kyser |
Mary La Bella | Leonardo La Bella |
James La Rosa | Francesca La Rosa |
Joyce & Myron Laban | |
Julian Lachendro | Pvt.Frank A. Lachendro 28th Keystone Div. Pittsburgh |
James Lacombe | Sgt. James Cox |
Sharen Lahti | |
Divina-Grace DelCarmen Lajato | |
Charles Lamb | Harold J. Lamb, USNR-R, 1918 |
David Lamb | Pvt. George D. Lamb, 90th Division (Artillery) and Army of Occupation. |
Mark Lamb | |
Janet B Lambert | Joseph Abner Vaughan |
Keith LaMee | |
Michael & Kimberly LaMonica | |
Craig Lampright | Harold E. Lampright |
Mary Lancaster | |
Linda Lance | Sgt. Jacob Albert Maness |
Brian Lang | Frederick D. Schaefer, SGT, 53rd Pioneer Infantry Regiment |
Duncan Lang | John Lang |
Mary Lang | Fred Johnson |
Thomas Lange | Frank Lawrence Lange |
Kathleen Lanigan | Thomas M. Lanigan |
Larry Steven Lankford | Carson Lankford MIA Swepsonville, NCnPrivate (First Class) Lankford, Julius A. D.S.C. |
Robert Laplander | |
Joanne Laposa | Pvt. Francis A. Eldridge, fought in all 3 major battles was wounded in his leg. From New Brunswick, NJ |
John Laramie | E. J. "Clyde" Cantin |
John LaRandeau | |
Scott M. Larimer | Gerald Murral Larimer, WWI Navy Vet USS Agamemnon - ID 3004nGerald Larimer, Howard Larimer and Milton Larimer - My family members who served in WW1 |
James Larrimore | Don Martin, WWI war correspondent, died October 7, 1918 in Paris |
Jacob LaRue | Jacob L LaRue |
Paul LaRue | Joseph WhitenNew Holland's World War I Soldies & VeteransnJacob L. LaRue, United States Navy, Born Ashville, Ohio, My Grandfather. |
Richard & Beth Lashley | Clarence J Lashley |
John Lasswell | Col. Benjamin Wimer, my great grandfather |
Chris Lauchner | AJ Berryhill |
Erin Lawless | |
Patricia Lawrence | Cpl Albert Smath, Bugler |
Tracie Lawrence | Marine Gunnery Sgt. Herman Jerome Murkerson |
Elise Layne | Conley Lawrence |
Alfred Lazoff | |
Mr. Stephen Leach | Chris Monroe WW I Vet |
Ron Leach | Arthur Plass & Edwin Ehrlich |
Steve Leach | The 116,516 Americans who perished |
Brian Leahy | |
Marianne Leary | Lt. Joseph Cleveland Conway |
Tom Leback | Ashby Turner Mahon |
Mark LeBlanc | John M. Longley [#67869 Private 1st Class American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), 1st Army Corps 26th Division (New England, later nicknamed the 'Yankee Division', YD), 52nd Brigade, 103rd Infantry Regiment (the Maine and New Hampshire regiments) ] |
William & Candi Leech | |
John Leen | |
Thelma K. Leenhouts | Willard G. Leenhouts 1st soldier from Holland, MI killed in WWI |
Carolyn Lehmann | Eugene Lehmann |
James Leichtung | Second Lieutenant Hyman Freiberg |
Lindsey Leigh | Kennedy Family |
Wilhelmina Leigh | Pvt Marshall Edward Dunnaville, Sr., 807th Pioneer Infantry |
Christopher Leins | LTC David V. Leins, JrnCPT Dean Allen Lindholm, USMA 1979 |
Susie Leiper | |
Michaela Lemen | |
Bernadine Lennon | |
Mr. William Lance Lenon | |
Robert Lenz | |
Larry Leonard | Richard W. Pershing - Grandson of General John J. Pershing. |
Manon Lessard | |
George Levis | Robert T Creel and Millard L Broadhurst |
Paul M Levit | Grandfather - Paul T Green - Base Hospital 38 |
Gary Lewi | |
Christopher Lewis | |
Mr. David Lewis | 1LT Karl E. SharpenCaptain Robert Walton, Jr. |
Thomas Lewis | Harry Milton Lewis |
Ms. Leslie Lian | John Oscar Johnston |
Michael Libbin | |
Howard M Liberman | |
Libery Memorial Association | |
Robert Liebscher | |
Daniel Lien | |
David Lightfoot | George Alton Maiden |
Valerie Lim | |
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindsey | Cpl. Ray H. Barr, 35th Infantry Division and combat wounded veteran. |
William Linehan | Garland Wright |
Linda Linville | Veterans of Spanish Village |
Mr. Joseph Lippincott | |
Curtis Lipple | Marshall Stephenson |
Michael Little | Cameron Welch, cowboy, doughboy, friend and minister |
Peter Littlefield | Captain Lionel K Legge |
Theresa LLacuna | Robert G. Meeker 13th Infantry Regiment Londonderry, Ohio |
Anne Lloyd | FW Wyatt, Jerald, Harold, Thurman, JP & Bob Derryberry, Harry Stephens, Pete Stratton and Bob Green |
Terrance Lloyd | |
Ms Suzi Lockett | Herman Dreyer, Jr., my Godfather and Great Uncle who served in WW1 |
Michael Lodsin | Michael Lodsin , my Grandfather,who worked on Ellis Island, for the American Bible Society |
Kevin Lonergan | Joseph J. Lonergan |
Cheryl Long | |
Stephen Looke | Roy O Looke |
David Lotz | Frank Bevinetto |
Derek Louvier | The Fallen |
James Love | Louis Hosek |
William Lowe | |
Rebecca Lowery | |
Karen Lubieniecki | |
Patricia Lucas | Frank Stewart Cone |
Marcia Lucas Ellington | PFC Olen P. Lucas |
Roy S. & Deborah A. Lucia | Louis John Herr |
Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Chapter NSDAR | |
Shannon Luck Brillhart | |
Thomas Ludka | |
Mr. Salvatore Luiso | |
Cynthia Lund | |
Dan Lundberg | |
Donald Lutes | |
Karen Lutke | Michael Counihan, 101st Infantry, Co. "K" |
Connie Lutz | |
Deborah Lydon | Corporal Joseph James Maguire, St. Louis, MO |
Jennifer Lynam | |
Heather Lyon | |
John Lyons | Alonzo Lyons III |
John Mabey | Walter Amos Mabey Walter George Mabey |
Laura Macaluso | |
Donald Macdermott | Joseph Dunlap |
Diane MacDonald | Thank you to the men and women who served. We're forever grateful. |
Kerry Macintosh | Frederick Balyeat |
Ronald MacKay | John Ronald MacKay |
Brett MacKellar | |
Ms. Jana Mackin | Major James Andrew Mackin |
Patricia Maclay | James Palmer Maclay, WWI American soldier, great-grandfather |
Elizabeth MacMillan | Mary Carey Fallon |
Catharine Maddox | |
Katie Madsen | Clarence Edward Spencer |
James Mahlmann | My grandfather, Anthony Minori, a WW1 veteran |
Daniel Mahon | Sgt. Dan Mahon, 306th Field Artillery, 77th Div.; Silver Star for action at Chery- Chartreuve, 1918. |
Daniel Mahoney | |
Margaret Makowski-Greenky | John E Turner, SrnCharles A Near |
Christopher Malmquist | Joe Klein, Co. H, 11th Infantry Reg., AEF |
William Malone | William Hefner |
Philip Mancini | Matthew Mancini birthday |
Michael Mangum | Thad Manning Mangum |
Andrew Manson | |
Steven Manson | Paul Pitterle |
Rouhana Mansour | |
Lisa Mantz | Bernard F. Hoye Jr. |
Robert Many | |
Paula Manzuk | Michael and George Memovich |
Alan Marble | Sgt. Paul Lance Marble |
Glenn Marcus | |
Kenneth Marcus | |
Dan Margo | |
Paul Margolis | |
Marie Therese Cadillac Chapter NSDAR | The WWI Wexford County Boys 1917-1918 |
Sava Marinkovich | Major Sava V. Marinkovich, RSA |
John Marks | |
Larry Marquardt | Jesse Lausen, Gustav Marquardt, Henry Schaffer- All first generation Americans of German descent. |
Steven Marrocco | All WWI Veterans |
Charles R Marshall | My Father: Pvt. Albert H. Marshall, S/N # 3234327, Co. M, 4th Inf. Reg., 3rd Inf. Div., USA, WWI |
Glenn Marshall | Orange County NY WWI soldiers than did not come homenSgt 1st Class James Edward AllenbynHugh Daley MIA |
Jennifer Marshall | Howard Adelbert Lea |
LTC (Ret.-USA) Richard Marshburn Jr. | Sgt. Clinton Marshburn, US Army, 9/27/1892-2/23/1919, KIA, His father was born a slave in Florida. |
David Mart | Pvt. John M. Perry, Headquarters Company, 165th Infantry, 42nd Div, US Army. KIA in France 7/31/1918 |
Dayle Martin | Those that never came back |
John Martin | |
Kerry Martin | Edward Paul Martin, WWI Col. 102D Inf. |
Richard Martin | |
Robert Martin | |
Martin-Osterholtz VFW Post 9417 | |
Paul Martinello | Joseph John Martinello Co. K 42nd Infantry 12th Div. WWI |
Keith Marvel | Lewis Kebel |
Louis Masiello | |
Judy N. Mason | |
Kelly Mason | All WWI Veterans |
Warren Mason | John Wesley Pollard |
Massachusetts World War One Cenntenial Commission | |
Tim Masters | |
Stephen Masterson | |
Arthur Mastropietro | Michael Mastropietro, CoA 114Inf 29Div |
Frank Mastropietro | Antonio Mastropietro |
Lori Masucci | My uncle Laurie Thornton |
Mary Mathison | |
Mark Matijak | America |
Brian Matricciani | |
Charles Mattern | mattern family |
Betsy Matthes | First Lieutenant Charles G. Ostberg 106th infantry, Company B |
Earlene Mauritz | |
Christine Maxwell | |
Kristin May | |
Sharon May | Ernest Wright |
April Mayer | Jonas H. MayernJonas & Ted Mayer |
Michael Mayer | Jonas H. Mayer Jonas H. Mayer, II |
Theodore Mayer | This donation is in recognition of the hard work and dedication of the staff and team at the US WWI Centennial CommissionnJonas H. Mayer 354th Aero SquadronnThe nearly 5,000,000 who served in WW1nThree Mayers who flew in three wars: Jonas Mayer - WWI, Ted Mayer - WWII, Joe Mayer - Korea |
Robin Mayhall | Norris "Not" Mayhall |
Mayor Bowser Constituent Service Fund | |
Cidalina Maziarski | |
Philip Mazzara | Alison Daly, Colonel, USMC; Philip T. Mazzara, LCDR, USNRnAndrew McGreal |
Michael McAuliffe | James A. Sandy & Brother Gilbert Sandy |
Brian McCarthy | Green Hill Park WW-1 Memorial GrovenRose Hilton |
Pamela McCarthy | Pvt. Frank McCue Royal Dublin Fusiliers |
Michael McCauley | |
Marc McClure | Kiffin Yates Rockwell |
Maggie McCoy | |
Matthew McCoy | |
Don McCrady | |
Kenneth McCreedy | The Soldiers of the 79th Division who fought at Montfaucon |
Brance McCune Sr. | SGT Carl McCune, USMC, WWI and Albert Groves, USA, WWI |
Michael McDonald | Pte. Dwight D. Simpson |
Scott McDowell | James McDowell |
Karen Mcelheny-Feather | |
James T McElwee | John France my Grandfather |
Janet McFarland | District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution who served during WWI |
Pam Mcgaha | |
Fran McGinnis | |
Deborah McGraw | |
Andrew McGreal | Arnold J McCleerey, WWI veteran, Co. A 127th Eng., wounded, and Terry K McCleerey, Vietnam veteran |
Daniel McGreal | |
Mathew J McGuire | |
James M McHale | Martin Joseph McHale, my father, who served with the American Army in France in WWInPvt. Martin J. McHale, Btty. B, 150th F.A., 12/2817 to 4/28/19, and a veteran of Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne Offensives |