Regent Dolores Witt | |
Commander Stan Witte | Carter C. Hanner from Stillwater, Oklahoma was Born 4 June 1878 and Died 8 October 1918 at Meuse-Argonne drive, France during World War 1. Post 129 Stillwater was named in honor of Carter C. Hanner. |
Michael Witter | |
Edward Wittkofski | Pvt. M.B. Thiry & Cpl. B.G. FilmyernPrivate Ernest EgernLt. Harold ThompsonnThe soldiers of the 332d InfantrynPvt. Elliot C. Beardsley |
Katherine Wolfe | The Wolfe Family |
Sharon Wollert | |
James & Ann Womack | |
Women's Club of Aurora | |
Dr. & Mrs. Rayman Wong | |
Don Wood | Harold N Wood Sr. |
Marian Wood | Greg Wood |
Hayden Woodard | Private Harry Hayden Lawler |
John Woodard | Otis B. KirbynWilliam Stirling |
Marshall Woodie | Edward Hampton Woodie, Sr. |
Chuck Woodley | William Woodley US ARMY 1918 |
Lisa Woods | My cousin, Frank J Kolb 1st Div 16th IR WW2 No Africa, Sicily, Normandy, France, Belgium, Germany, Czechoslovakia |
Mary Woods Smith | Chester W. Kerth |
Amy Woodsmall | Woodsmall William M. Private World War I, 1917-1918 |
Russell & Katherine Wortley | |
Bonnie & Jack Wright | |
Hettie Wright | WWI James Gracchus Robinett |
Marie Claire Wright | |
Tomy Wright | Ebert Walker |
William Wydner | |
Robin Yale-Murphy | Lawrence Fehlinger |
Pamela Yamasato ishihara | Royden HYamasato |
Yankee Division Veterans Association | The 100th Anniversary of the 26th "Yankee" Division |
Dara Yardumian | |
James Yarrison | Raymond George Yarrison, Cpl., 28th Infantry Regt. |
Edward Yates | |
Yates Mill Chapter NSDAR | Those who served in WWI. |
Bruce Yelton | |
Tony Yitchinsky | John Rinato |
Ian Yorkston | |
Charles Young | |
Janice Jay Young | Ruben Peter Lindholm |
Patrick Young | Richard Young |
Valerie Young | Chester Allen Bower and Charles Edward Bower |
Ronald & Pamela Youngdale | |
Yubonchit Yuttana | |
Judith Zabdyr | |
Marion Zaborney | Alek Miller 1893-1918 |
Edna Ellie & Thomas Zaleski | |
Dr. Emilio Zamora | Jose de la Luz Saenz, the author of the 1933 WWI diary, The Mexican Americans and the Great War |
Elaine Zecher | Major General John E. McMahon, Commander of the 5th Division 1918 |
David Zeile | |
Daphna Zeilingold | |
Cynthia Ziebelman | |
Charles Ziniti | William E. Duffy |
Elliott Zink | Charles Andrew Beasaw |
Richard Zino Jr. | |
Ralph Zito | |
Karen Zornes | |
Thomas & Jennifer Zucconi | WW1 historians Robin Schafer and Peter Doyle |
Jon Zug | George and Patricia Zug |
Ronald Zweig | Hyman Zweig |