Featured Articles
Doughboy MIA For January 2025: Private Eugene Sharpe
A man is only missing if he is forgotten... Eugene Sharpe was born on May 31st, 1896 in Winnfield, Tennessee. Before the war, he worked on the family farm and later as a brakeman [...]
Naturalized World War I Soldier Frank Capra
After the United States entered the First World War, Congress passed the Naturalization Act of May 9, 1918, to expedite naturalization for alien members of the U.S. armed forces. Congress wanted to reward foreign-born [...]
‘Hello Girl’ from Maryland wins a medal for her World War I service
Marie Edmee LeRoux has been buried at the Fort Lincoln Cemetery here for 79 years, but she may soon win a gold medal for her service in World War I. LeRoux was one of [...]
WCC puppy named after World War I Hello Girl
Please join us in welcoming WCC’s Minnie Named in honor of United States Army Signal Corps Operator Minnie Goldman Selig. Minnie Goldman left a budding career as an attorney to serve as a "Hello [...]
Best Movies about World War I
Have You Seen These 40 Films Depicting The 1910s? At first glance, you might think that The Great War didn’t produce as many films as the subsequent conflict of the 1930s and 40s. But after reading [...]
Wyoming Sleuths Help Return WWI Dog Tags Buried In France For A Century
A French field infamously known as the “mud camp” is still giving up World War I relics lost there more than a century ago, including dog tags. A Wyoming author and investigator are helping [...]
See photos of America’s failed attempt to create a WWI tank out of a tractor
Tractor turned tank A 1917 Holt gun tractor on display at a fair in Dorset, England. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images) Leveraging its domestic transportation industry, the US military partnered with Holt Manufacturing Company, known [...]
When art goes to war
On Sabin Howard’s new World War I memorial. Sabin Howard has been at the center of a battle over sculpture for over three decades. I first wrote about him in this space nearly twenty [...]
A Hundred Years of Native American Veteran Care
After World War I, the Veterans hospital in Muskogee, OK emerged as a beacon of hope. Native Americans have served the United States with honor, loyalty, and bravery since the Revolutionary War (1775-1782). Despite [...]