January 2024
Senator Maggie Hassan (left) from New Hampshire, who is a cosponsor of S.815 - Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023, chats with the granddaughters of two of America's first women soldiers: Catherine Bourgin (center), granddaughter of Hello Girls Operator Marie Edmee LeRoux, and Carolyn Timbe, granddaughter of Hello Girls Chief Operator Grace Banker. Hassan's office was visited as part of the Call on the Hill for the Hello Girls project in January, 2024.
The Call on the Hill for the Hello Girls took place the week of January 18, as representatives of the World War I Centennial Commission, the Doughboy Foundation, descendants of two of the World War I Hello Girls, and other volunteers walked the halls of the United States Senate office buildings to encourage Senators to cosponsor S.815, the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023. 52 individual personal letters were delivered to the offices of Senators who have not yet become cosponsors, requesting that they support the legislation awarding a Congressional Gold Medal to the Hello Girls, America’s First Women Soldiers. Many of the letters enclosed draft cards filled in and signed during World War I by family members of the Senators. Click to read more about the Call on the Hill, sending a message to Capitol Hill that the Hello Girls Gold Medal legislation needs to pass in the 118th Congress.
Even if you can't charge up Capitol Hill like the Call on the Hill team, you can still effectively support the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal legislation in 2024, right from your computer! Click here for our toolbox that makes the process of reaching out to your Representative and Senators very straightforward. You can also reach out by phone to the local and district offices of your Senators and Representative, and tell them that you want them to answer the call, and cosponsor the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal legislation in the 118th Congress.
The Hello Girls made critical battlefield tactical communications work effectively for U.S. and French military forces on the front lines of World War I, saving many lives by helping bring the long war to a quicker end. However, when the Hello Girls returned home after WWI ended, they were denied veterans status and benefits until 1977. The Hello Girls earned and deserve the recognition of a Congressional Gold Medal, and the World War I Centennial Commission asks you to help make that happen in the 118th Congress!
When their nation called in 1918, the Hello Girls answered -- please answer their call for recognition in 2024!
National World War I Memorial in D.C. Had Over One Million Visitors In 2023
The Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Johnson hosted a memorial dedication ceremony Jan. 13 at Warrior Memorial Park to honor Sgt. William Henry Johnson. A monument, which commemorates the sacrifices Johnson made to the country, was unveiled. In June of 2023, Johnson was also celebrated when the installation was rechristened Fort Johnson. Johnson, who enlisted in the U.S. Army as part of the 369th Infantry Regiment in 1917, is renowned for his heroic performance in World War I. Click here to read more about Johnson and the ceremony, and watch news video.
The Purple Heart is the oldest military award still given to members of the U.S. military. Pvt. Anthony Butenas of Connecticut, who served in Company E, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Division, was recently posthumously awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action on July 18, 1918, in France, when he was 24 years old. Getting Butenas the recognition he deserved was a long, complicated, and uncertain process. Click here to read the whole story, and learn how assistance from a U.S. senator's office helped his family track down the data needed to get the award for Butenas a century after it was earned in battle during World War I.
During the week of January 1-6, 2024, Daily Taps at the National World War I Memorial in Washington, DC was sounded in honor of WWI veteran Captain Fred W. Beaudry, USA.
Detroit’s oldest American Legion post is named for one of Michigan’s first National Guard officers killed in World War I. The Fred W. Beaudry Post 126 has been in continuous operations for 100 years since October 1919. Fred W. Beaudry was born to an immigrant father from Canada and his mother was a direct descendant of Joseph Talmadge who was a sergeant in the Revolutionary War. He rose through the ranks of the National Guard starting as bugler and was a First Lieutenant in 1917 serving at the Texas border during the Poncho Villa expedition and as a Captain commanding Company H, 126th Infantry, 63rd Brigade, 32nd Division in France. He was killed by a German mini-mortar while leading his troops up to capture Hill 212 near Sergey, France on 1 August 1918 during the Anse-Oise campaign.
The Daily Taps program of the Doughboy Foundation provides a unique opportunity to dedicate a livestreamed sounding of Taps in honor of a special person of your choice while supporting the important work of the Doughboy Foundation. Choose a day, or even establish this honor in perpetuity. Click here for more information on how to honor a loved veteran with the sounding of Taps.
In Farmington, Maine, stands the John M. Teague Memorial Arch. A veteran of the Civil War, John, along with his wife, chose to commemorate WWI soldiers from Franklin County, to honor their service. Though of humble means, the Teagues gifted their entire estate for the Arch’s construction. It was erected in 1924, two years after John’s death. On Memorial Day, 2024, the Arch will have stood for 100 years, and will be rededicated with an expansive ceremony that echoes its inauguration. To mark the centennial, Glenn Miller helped author a new book No Higher Service commemorating 33 men from Franklin County, Maine who "paid the highest price. Their lives helped buy freedom." Click here read more about the book, and other activities around the centennial to help remember "those who served but never came home."
Nels G. Sandelin emigrated to the United States from Sweden with his parents and family in 1889, very shortly after his birth. He was a pre-war Army veteran and a business owner in his 20's living in Cottonwood County, MN when the United States entered World War I in 1917. When the Government called for men of previous military training, he enlisted in the First Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Snelling. Despite practically no education, having only finished grammar school, Sandelin finished 22nd. in a class of two thousand, and was commissioned as First Lieutenant in August,1917. Click here to read the rest of Nels Sandelin's story, and learn how his service continued beyond the end of World War I.
Over 16 million total animals were in service during the Great War, with dogs hauling machine guns and supply carts, serving as messengers and delivering the all-important cigarette cartons to the troops. However, Mercy Dogs, also referred to as casualty dogs, were specifically trained to aid the wounded and dying on the battlefield. First trained by the Germanic armies in the 19th century, these medical dogs began to see widespread use as World War I swept across Europe. Click here to read more, and learn how, trained to find and distinguish between the dead, wounded and dying, Mercy Dogs gave invaluable aid and assistance to soldiers under fire on the battlefields of Europe.
The Great War was such a difficult time, some soldiers sought out the assistance and comfort of four-legged friends — including cats, who were used in the trenches to boost morale. Dogs, homing pigeons, foxes, goats, lion cubs, and even raccoons also served their countries as pets and mascots throughout the “war to end all wars,” and some even carried out official duties. Cats did a bit of both: Click here to read more, and learn how, though most kitties simply kept their compatriots in good spirits by providing them with loyal companionship (and fending off rats), some also used their heightened sense of atmospheric pressure to detect bombs in advance.
During World War I, the United States asked the “patriotic women of America” to cut back on the use of wheat flour. Wheat was urgently needed to ship overseas for the troops and for starving civilians in war-torn areas. Recipes in magazines and in booklets like the one shown at left offered alternatives to wheat flour for baking. What patriotic housewife could refuse the appeal to aid the war effort? Her mission was to substitute other flours for wheat flour! Click here to read more, and learn about the amazing spectrum of wheat substitutes used during World War I.
World War I is largely remembered for mud, trenches, and barbed wire, but it also marked a significant turning point in the history of timepieces. Prior to the United States’ entry into the war, many Americans had pocket watches. But that began to change when the Yanks started heading “over there” to fight the Kaiser, said Stan Czubernat, an expert in American-made WWI watches. “A wristwatch, aka the ‘trench watch’, was far more convenient for a soldier in the trenches,” Czubernat told Task & Purpose. “Rather than fumbling around and reaching into your pockets to pull out your pocket watch, all a soldier had to do was look at his wrist. Almost all advertising for military watches had switched over to wristwatches by the time the United States entered the war in spring of 1917.” Click here to read more, and see how the technological revolution in wristwatches, like so many things that began in WWI, endures to this day.
A man is only missing if he is forgotten.
Our Doughboy MIA this month is PVT James Argiroplos, born in Sparta, Greece, on November 8th, 1893. In 1911, he emigrated to Keyser, West Virginia, where he ran a candy store. He was inducted into the U.S. Army on April 2nd, 1918, and assigned to Company “F” of the 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division. On August 15th, 1918, PVT Argiropols was at Serre Ridge, near Hébuterne, France, when he was Killed in Action. An eyewitness stated PVT Argiroplos was “Blown beyond recognition by a shell.” A New Zealander found a piece of a U.S. coat collar with the ornament “F,” which was said to be all they could find of him. Postwar, the Graves Registration considered PVT Argiroplos as the potential remains of an Unknown U.S. soldier recovered from a nearby cemetery. Still, identification could not be made as his civilian dentist did not keep dental chart records. PVT Argiroplos is memorialized on the Tablets of the Missing at the Somme American Military Cemetery in Bony, France.
Would you like to be involved with solving the case of PVT James Argiroplos, and all the other Americans still in MIA status from World War I? You can! Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to our non-profit organization today, and help us bring them home! Help us do the best job possible and give today, with our thanks. Remember: A man is only missing if he is forgotten.
Merchandise from the Official Doughboy Foundation WWI Store
Plenty In Stock!!
- Exclusive Commemorative WW1 Poppy Lapel Pin
- Buy for you, and for great gifts!
- Soft enamel color design
- Approx. 1.5 inch in dia.
- Standard military clasp
- Classic white relaxed golf cap
- Low profile six panel unstructured
- Standard pre-curved visor
- Washed chino twill
- Fabric strap with antique brass sliding buckle
- The front features our beautifully embroidered poppy design
- Doughboy Foundation logo embroidered on side
- Decorated in USA
- Cap imported, TAA compliant
Proceeds from the sale of these items will help build the new National World War I Memorial in Washington, DC.
This and many other items are available as Official Merchandise of the Doughboy Foundation.
Willie Edward Richardson
Submitted by: Sherrill Rayford, Ed.D. {Grandchild}
Willie Edward Richardson born around April 4, 1895. Willie Richardson served in World War 1 with the United States Army . The enlistment was in 1917 and the service was completed in 1917.
Story of Service
Memories: Willie Richardson, A World War I Veteran
My grandfather, Willie Richardson, was a veteran of World War I, and his experiences symbolize the service and family life of many African American soldiers. Unfortunately, their military service occurred during a period of “nots.” They could not eat in certain businesses; they could not live in certain neighborhoods; their service was often overlooked or devalued. Yet, my grandfather and those soldiers defended the world and prospered within limitations.
Yet, the invisibility of my grandfather’s service seemed invisible in 2018 as I viewed a pictorial display of World War I soldiers in an Arkansas Welcome Center. None of the soldiers in the display looked like my grandfather. Therefore, I contacted the Arkansas visitor’s bureau to express that soldiers of color should be commemorated too. The communication exchange was informative and productive as I learned of efforts to find and preserve the service of Arkansas’ soldiers of color during World War I.
However, I also learned that my grandfather’s two brothers also served in World War I. Before the communication exchange, I thought one of my grandfather’s brothers had been killed in another war. This perception came from visits to his home in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and watching him reflectively hold papers and a folded flag that belonged to one of his brothers. Afterwards, he returned the materials to a cedar chest beside his bed.