The Buffalo Hero of World War I Returns to NY For Special Limited Engagement This December
Published: 10 November 2022
By A.A. Cristi
via the Broadway World (NY) web site

The Buffalo Hero of World War I-The Wayne Miner Story
The Buffalo Hero of World War I: The Wayne Miner Story returns to New York for a special limited engagement. Kenthedo Robinson’s powerful drama about a group of unknown and unsung heroes of World War I.

Wayne Miner
Special Engagement: December 7 – 18 (Wed – Sat. @ 8:00 p.m. and Sun @ 3:00 p.m.) Tickets $20 (Groups of 10 or more $15) The American Theatre of Actors is located at 314 West 54th St, NYC; Call for tickets: 212-581-3044 917-523-2823
Black Lives Mattered … even in 1918. Acclaimed playwright, Kenthedo Robinson’s retelling of the true story of three young men enlisted to fight for World Democracy during WWI returns to one of New York only remaining off-off Broadway movement venues (along with La Mama and theatre for the New City), the American Theatre of Actors for a limited run during the holiday season.
Wayman Miner (1894 – 1918) was an American soldier who fought in the Buffalo Soldier regiment during the First World War. He died in the hours between the signing of the Armistice and the symbolic 11 a.m. time it was set to go into effect, after volunteering for a mission to carry ammunition to a machine gun nest. This is his story and that of his fellow Buffalo Soldiers.
They battled many more enemies than many soldier of the time. Most battled the Ottoman Empire, but the Buffalo Soldiers discovered that racism and harassment proved to be their own personal enemy. Their most powerful weapon – the power of brotherly love and the glory of honor.
The cast includes Ms D, Alton Ray, Shani Tabia, Kassime Fofana, Mike Vails, Nicolas Dodge, and Myles Marable Special Effects by Nikoli Pierre; Sound Design by Mark Robinson; Lighting Design by Michael Banks; Production written & directed by Kenthedo Robinson.
Read the entire article on the Broadway World web site here:
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