Adapting & Innovating Our WWI Education Resources For The Evolving Classroom Technology Environments

Published: 24 September 2024

By Doughboy Foundation Staff


Recognizing the critical importance of teaching America’s World War I story —a pivotal yet often overlooked chapter in American history—we launched the “WWI Teaching Resources” in the 2023-24 school year for 7th-12th grade social studies teachers. Developed by the U.S. WWI Centennial Commission with the Doughboy Foundation, this content was made especially compelling through Augmented Reality (AR) apps, bringing history to life for today’s learners.

Our innovative approach earned us the 2024 EdTech Cool Tool award for Best Social Studies Solution. However, we recognized and projected that the rapidly rising bans on smartphones in schools would hinder access to our AR offerings, threatening to diminish our educational impact.

In swift response, we developed the “WWI Memorial: Desktop Explorer“, a Mac and PC application that reimagines our content using video game paradigms. This shift not only preserved the immersive experience but enhanced it with greater speed, quality, and resolution.

We are adapting lesson plans to leverage the “Desktop Explorer” in classroom settings. Teachers can now guide students through interactive explorations and discussions using front-of-room displays. Additionally, students can engage with the material on their own devices outside of school for extra credit.

Initial beta testing showcased remarkable potential, and we successfully launched the Desktop Explorer in time for the 2024-25 school year. Through foresight and unhesitating adaptation to the changing technological environment, we ensured that America’s story in WWI remains accessible, engaging, and impactful for the next generation.

The “Desktop Explorer” is available for both MacOS and Windows. Click below to access, or simply search for “WWI Memorial” on the Apple App or Microsoft App stores.

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