Campaign to win Congressional Gold Medal for the Hello Girls Featured in Podcast
Published: 18 December 2023
By Staff

Hell Girls podcast gang
The Hello Girls of the World War I US Army have never been officially recognized for the groundbreaking service they provided as America’s first women soldiers. In this call to action, an incredible group of people came on to the Battles of the First World Ward Podcast talk about why the Hello Girls should receive a Congressional Gold Medal to honor them. Joining host Mike Cunha the podcast were:
- Ms. Catherine Bourgin, granddaughter of Hello Girl Marie Edmee LeRoux
- Mr. Daniel Dayton, Executive Director of the World War I Centennial Commission
- Dr. Allison S. Finkelstein, Senior Historian at Arlington National Cemetery
- Ms. Claudia Friddell, award winning author of “Grace Banker and Her Hello Girls Answer the Call”
- COL Linda Jantzen, United States Army Signal Corps, Retired
- Carolyn Timbie, granddaughter of Grace Banker, Chief Operator of the 1st women’s telephone unit that sailed to France in March, 1918
- Ms. Phyllis J. Wilson, President of the Military Women’s Memorial in Arlington, VA
[Related: How you can support the campaign to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Hello Girls.]
In another Battles of the First World War podcast, historian, novelist, and documentary filmmaker Dr. Elizabeth Cobbs joins Mike to discuss her 2019 book on the story of the US Army Signal Corps’ combat telephone operators: “Hello Girls: America’s First Women Soldiers.”
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